This is the best way for you to talk to help your child’s learning:
It will help your child to understand what you say more easily.
It will help your child to learn the meaning of words.
It will show your child how to put sentences and phrases together.
You should:
Think about what your want to say to your child.
Think about how to say it in short, simple sentences and phrases.
Stress the main words (we’ve underlined them in the examples below).
If your child is already talking, use sentences or phrases 1/2 words longer than those he or she is using.
Instead of saying: ‘If we hurry, we might be able to catch the bus’
You could say: ‘Hurry up’, ‘The bus comes soon’.
Instead of saying: ‘Before you eat your cake, you have to finish your dinner’
You could say: ‘Dinner first’. ‘Cake later’.
Instead of saying: ‘I wonder what Grandma will bring you in her bag when she comes today’
You could say:‘Grandma’s coming today’. ‘What’s in her bag?’.